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Celebrating Our Volunteers

Arlene Parker | Published on 7/30/2021

Hello - this posting is about the excellent work of BICC's passionate volunteers on the Turf Committee and Facilities Committee. 

Turf Committee: Lou Schenck (Chair), Cal Scotchmer, Andrew Widdis

The Committee meets pre-season with Adriaan to decide on the issues to be addressed at the courts such as snow mould, diseases, sprinkler system performance, equipment maintenance and repair. The maintenance schedule is discussed and the extent of this detailed work is described in an article that was posted last year. That article called A Seasonal Look at Court Maintenance was posted on August 11, 2020. 

The Committee works with Adriaan throughout the year to monitor the health and state of the courts in case remedial action is necessary. Of course the Committee members are available during the season to discuss any member concerns. The Committee submits its ongoing expenses to the Treasurer based on the estimated budget at the beginning of the year.

Facilities Committee:  Peter Jeffers (Chair), Terry Lazaravitch, John Davies, Scotty Kirkwood, Jerry Selk, Sheila Sully, John McCrea

This Committee's regular activities include providing benches on the upper viewing area - the recent addition of stairs to the west end bench are great! They source picnic tables, purchase chairs, erect and repair the canopies. The Committee members have added plants, bushes and flowers at the perimeter to bring colour and joy to our space. Regular weeding keeps the plants from getting crowded out. Maintenance and repair of the equipment shed and the storage shed are done or arranged by the Committee. Washrooms are ordered. This Committee initiated and managed the construction of the Pavillion and undertook the job of painting it (two coats!) The pathway at the west end is maintained and barriers were installed to prevent four-wheelers from accessing the property. The outside covered bulleting board as well as the trophy cabinet were built by John Davies. The trophies are refurbished and updated by the Committee. 

When I arrive at the courts I am struck by the beauty of the various shades of green in and around the property. I love the serenity and quiet of the location. I play on superior courts that are available to me whenever I want. Everything I need or want is provided by dedicated volunteers. These are members who see a need and fill with their unique, high quality solutions and craftsmanship. I would like to thank the Turf Committee and Facilities Committee for their dedication and contributions to our wonderful Club.

Would you like to help the Club to fulfill its goals on either of these Committees? Feel free to contact the Chair(s) to let them know you are eager to contribute!

Cheers, Arlene